Russel Jennings Drill Bits Popular Q&A
Q: Are the Russell Jennings No. 100 auger bits fine or coarse thread...
A: The only difference with the tpi of the lead screw is the rate of feed and the finer ones will plug up in soft woods like pine. Most Old Auger bits are of good ... Read More »
Russel Jennings Drill Bits Helpful Resources
Russell Jennings: Drills | eBay
Vintage russell jennings 13 piece auger drill bit set in wood box. This auction is for a cool old vintage tool set in a rare doubledecker wood case-box. These are ...
Russel Jennings Auger Bits
RusselJenningsCatalogCover.jpg (27236 bytes), One of the best sources of information on the Russel Jennings Auger bits and the company is a reprint of a ...
Russell Jennings vs. Stanley Russell Jennings - Sawmill Creek ...
I am in the market for a nice set of auger bits and I was wondering if anyone ... on the difference between Russell Jennings auger bits pre Stanley vs. post Stanley ... It helps to drill a pilot hole for the lead screw to prevent this.
Russell Jennings Drill Bits-Russell Jennings Bits
Russell Jennings bits were the best of the best. Patented in 1855 and popular still in 1897.
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